Sunday, January 15, 2012

67 Billion Dinar allocated to Diyala Province

     A large portion of the Diyala province will receive millions in infrastructure improvement over the next few years due to recent decisions by the Kurdistan Regional Government. The money will be used to improve health, electricity, and education among other projects. Soran Ali Hassan, Khanaqin mayor, said that the money will be for provision of services in Khanaqin, Jalula, Mandali and As Sa'diyah in the next three years at a cost of more than 67 billion dinars in the form of stages. All of these cities are positioned in the Diyala province along the Iran/Iraq border, which is where the Naft Khana Oil Fields are located. The Naft Khana Oil Field is the site of the first oil field discovered in Iraq  in 1923.


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